Day 10 - Hereford to Cheddar
Brain says GO Legs say NO!

Where we came across Monmouth School's rather interesting motto!
We love cycling through beautiful forest flanked roads, and there were miles of them as we neared Tintern Abbey. 

And a lot of painful miles later we came across a cycle path tunnel complete with flashing lights!

After the usual 7:00 feast, our morning routine then involves manhandling our
stuff onto the back of our bikes. After a couple of near losses on the first few days, we have now perfected the art of strapping our main bag and dry sack onto our racks using what is referred to as the reverse straddle technique.

The weather, like us today, started off rather grizzly! We were both exhausted and struggled to get our legs moving as we slowly made our way out of Heredfordshire and into Wales and towards Monmouth.

Then it was back across the Severn Road Bridge back into England.

Through to the River Avon path

Fish and chips tonight!
Only 3 days to go!
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